David Hobby, of Strobist fame, has begun the third installment in his BootCamp series. The Bootcamps are his special way of creating assignments for people to work on, submit, and the winner gets a prize. It's motivation for those photographers who would otherwise sit on their butts and read about photography vs actually going out and shooting. (This actually sounds alot like me of late! ^_^;;)
The first assignment is a portrait of someone important in the community, shot simply and lit with 1 or 2 speedlights.
The deadline is Saturday, July 9th, 1700 hours GMT. (That's noon Eastern in the US.)
I'm pretty excited. Last time, I only got through a few assignments in BootCamp II before I ran out of juice, with work and school/etc. So this time around, hoping to do better. :)
The resulting images are being posted in the Strobist flickr pool, tagged with "bc31".
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