First off, the
is an amazing media consumption device. Whether you are talking about
, images, and/or videos, the iPad rocks. For the price, however, you kind of expect it to.
I bought the
64GB wifi iPad
. Why not the 3G version? Well, because I already pay for a mobile device and saw no point in paying again just so that I can surf the web. I also happen to own a
3G to wifi converter
, so I can share my wireless goodness with my iPad and that of others as well.
The image above was taken on my dslr and was published on Smugmug with my laptop. Downloaded it to the iPad, dunked with it a bit with filter storm, and am posting it to my blog using Blogpress.
It's not perfect, but it is very workable. The camera connection kit is on the way, which would let me do some preliminary work on jpegs and do quick uploads online from my iPad while on the road, without hauling around a laptop... At least not until I get back to the hotel room. :)
It is certainly no laptop replacement, but then again, I didn't buy it to replace my
. I bought it to supplement my laptop and give myself more options. It can do 90% of what I normally do on a laptop, but weighs half as much, is small and thin, and has no critical moving parts. Oh, and it has a phenomenal battery life. So far, with video playback, app installs, game playing, and heavy network use, it is still able go pull 9-10 hours of usable life. That is amazing.
Next time, remote and tethered shooting with an